Monday, May 2, 2011

99 bottles of beer on the wall...

99 bottles of beer! Ugh, I'm so bored. Madeline's in the oven right now and I can't wait to paint her next layer! Here's what I just finished -- veins!

About to go in the oven!

So my next step will be flesh layers! I was soooo nervous to do the veining because I wanted to get it juuuust right! The first time I did it (on my Berenguer bath doll) they were WAY too dark and she looked like a little alien or something. I think I did ok on Madeline. I'm doing her before Leah just because that way if by trial and error I somehow screw her up a tiny bit, it won't kill me... lol.

Two more minutes and I get to take her out! But then I have to wait for her to cool... :(. Darn it. I just want to see what she'll look like when I'm done with her. I still have to order her a body, which is only like $20 bucks. ((Is that redundant? Twenty dollar bucks? Who knows...)) There is one on Ebay that I have my eye on, and as a plus it comes with a free little newborn hat.

Still waiting for the nameless baby brother to come in the mail; I really thought she'd be here today... but all I got was some more paints. I haven't decided what to name him because, as mentioned in one of my earlier posts, my husband HATES practically all boy names. One name we've kind of agreed on but I don't just looove is Brandon, which is my hubby's middle name. Maybe Brandon Rhys? I think that could be cute.

Yay! I just got Maddie out of the oven! The veins look great -- light and realistic! Can't wait till she cools, I hate the smell of her when she's hot. Ha! That just sounds weird.

Man I'm bored. What to do, what to do. I'm current on my Facebook feed, I've watched every single video on painting reborns on YouTube available so I can't do that... hmm.

Oh, I did some planting in my box garden this evening! I'll have to post a picture when I get some more sprouts. I transplanted a few of my herbs and also a tomato plant, some corn and radish sprouts. I sure hope something grows and we can harvest at least a few veggies later on. I still have squash, watermelon, canteloupe, eggplant and a couple other sprouts that need transplanting but hubby and I need to build our second garden box first!

Oh well, I guess I'll go surf the net some more to try and occupy myself for another half an hour, see ya!

xx Tierney

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Baby fever...

So... last time I posted about having this weird case of baby fever, right? Well... it gets a little weirder. I'm sure you've seen that show, "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant"... you have, haven't you? Thought so. Well it turns out... I didn't know I was pregnant. But wait, before you freak out... it's not what you think. Let me explain...

A while back (like a couple years ago) I was surfing around on the net just looking for these computerized dolls you used to be able to take into photoshop and shade and stuff to make clothes for them, you could build these virtual rooms and make little families, whatever you wanted. I just wanted to see if they were still around, and I stumbled upon something called a reborn doll. If you don't know what a reborn doll is, it is a life-sized soft vinyl doll that is molded to look very realistic as far as features, then people that are "reborn artists" paint them with Genesis Heat Set Oil paints in thin layers to create a VERY lifelike complexion. They even use felting needles to "root" mohair into the heads in a pattern that is so realistic, if you were to see one of these dolls on the street (a well done one) it would take you at least a few long seconds to even realize it wasn't real. To add to the realism even further, these artists weight the dolls limbs, soft cloth body, and head with glass beads, plastic pieces called "poly-pellets" and fiberfil, which  makes their head floppy just like a real baby's, and they usually weigh anywhere from 3 lbs. to 7.5 lbs. Some even have "belly plates" for posing with shirts up, and breathing mechanisms so their chests rise and fall when displayed.... eek.

These dolls, when painted well, will sell on Ebay for anywhere from $150 to sometimes $2000. Crazy, right?! But these dolls are not for children, only those who love to collect them, or a few of the crazies who have replaced their real life children who have grown out of that cuddly stage, and even fewer of the poor ladies that could never have children of their own. Some of these women actually buy carseats, cribs, strollers, playpens, bouncers, etc for their dolls and take them into PUBLIC! While I can see taking it out to show people who may be interested in buying a doll, it's kinda weird to just be carrying around a doll treating it as if it was a real baby, don't you think?

Anyway, at the time I was intrigued by these dolls but seeing as how they usually sell for more than $300, I knew they would always be out of my reach and kind of forgot about them. Fast forward to the present... I ran across them again on the internet, but I can't for the life of me remember how! Except this time, I ran across the kits... the plain, unpainted vinyl doll head and limbs, some sold with cloth bodies. I talked to my husband about them and showed him some pictures. We talked about how weird and cool they looked, how we liked the "sleeping" ones better because they weren't as eerie as the ones with wide open eyes just staring at you... all... the... time. O_O

After all was said and done, I had found a doll that I was in love with... on sell on Ebay for.... guess... ok, it was like $1600! I could have croaked. She was beautiful! She actually reminded me of my niece as a baby and I had that awful feeling of like, "I want that SO bad, but I know I'll never get it.... but I want it!" She looked a lot like this...
So cute, right?! Okay well maybe I'm going crazy but I have a soft spot for babies. Well let's call that a weakness... I just LOVE babies, ok?

Anywho, back to what I was getting at. I did quite a bit of snooping and actually found this doll kit for sale for $109! Still a bit of a splurge but definitely do-able! All I had to do was get my husband to agree, which wasn't hard, he likes her too! I am slowly getting all the things I need to "reborn" her, but I'm already practicing on a little Berenguer bath doll from K-Mart. I want to perfect my painting skills (or lack thereof) as much as I possibly can before laying a single brush bristle on her! By the way, this is the Noah sculpt by Reva Schick. Just thought I'd throw that out there... lol. There are so many layers I will have to do and I don't want to screw her up. I've already learned the hard way that the very first step of reborning a doll, veining, is an art. Too light and the veins don't show up. Too dark, and you cannot hide them! Right now my K-Mart bath doll looks like its head is about to explode because of all the veins popping out of it!

Also, the paints used on these dolls are very different from regular acrylics or oils. They are Genesis Heat Set Oils like I mentioned before... but the thing is, you put the paint on in very thin layers, then between each layer you have to BAKE your doll pieces at like 265 degrees for 8-9 minutes to set the paint, then... you can't get it off! Too. Much. Pressure! I so don't want to screw up this doll.

Here are some pictures... :)

"Leah" (what her name will be) when I first got her! :)

Close up

So cute!

Yes, I'm dressing her up... don't judge.

In my favorite sleeper of hers. :)
So I was talking to my husband's aunt about my new hobby, and it turns out she had gotten into reborning dolls too! Well actually, she had bought the stuff to reborn dolls but had never gotten really into it. She makes porcelain dolls and likes that too much to try vinyl. So she gave me her paints, and some dolls to practice on, and one limited edition doll that there are only 300 of in the world. It's the Federica sculpt by Fiorenza Biancheri. Here is a picture of Leah holding her head...

Her name will be "Madeline"

Annnd a close up!

She doesn't have a body yet :( but I will be getting her one as soon as I get time. I haven't even started painting her yet but I plan on starting this week! I'm so excited to try it, and I hope I'm good at it. Here are a couple shots of the world I'm in... :D

My "work" area.

My vein-y bath doll parts ready to be baked!

So there you have it... I didn't know I was "reborn pregnant"! Lol... I think I've found my temporary solution to baby fever, and I like it! No crying, no feedings or dirty diapers, just the fun of dressing and holding a newborn.... oh! and guess what!................ Leah and Madeline already have a baby brother on the way O_~

xx Tierney